The Metabolic Makeover:

an UN-diet program designed for real life.


Reclaim your health through a hormone-balancing program grounded in tailored nutrition strategy, fit-for-you fitness regimen, and comprehensive self-care and stress management protocols. For just $5 a day, you can change your life and ever diet again.


If you're sick of the weight-loss / weight-gain cycle of madness, it's time to stop quick-fixing and start making over.

With The Metabolic Makeover, there’s no need for fad diets, over-exercising, or under-eating to achieve your goals. That's because quick fixes don't work. What if you could hit a reset button and never diet again?

You can. By first balancing your hormones. You see, hormones control every function in your body. And if they aren't in balance, your total health suffers and you won't be able to reach your goals. That's why, in this one-of-a-kind program, we focus on healing your metabolism and its special hormones, blood sugar and insulin—so you can enjoy sustained weight loss.

This isn't a diet, it's a fit-for-you, 10-week health reset program.


Snag your spot in the program now

You know

that everyone is different, so just any off-the-shelf "diet" program simply won't work for most people.

Healthy lifestyle
Get hormone healthy

That's exactly why

I created The Metabolic Makeover. And I know it works, because I’ve done the program myself, and piloted these principles to perfection with a group of 50 women.

In 10 super-charged weeks,

you will learn all the tools that, if you commit to making them a long-term part of your life, will help you get on track to healing and enjoying lasting change: restored hormonal balance, revived energy, and refreshed weight-loss abilities.

Hormone balance

About the Program

Health is what happens the 98% of the time when you’re NOT in the doctor’s office. The weight-loss roller-coaster ride stops when you’re empowered with the knowledge about the influences that disrupt your hormones.

If you’re seeking a “wham-bam” miracle solution with dramatic and speedy results, this is not it. The Metabolic Makeover is about healing the root cause.

You see, healing works differently. We’re reframing the outdated mindset of quick fixes and silver bullets and redesigning your lifestyle.

Inside this one-on-one personalized coaching program, you can expect to:

đź’ś Pinpoint where and why you are experiencing hormonal imbalances

đź’ś Understand how those imbalances are contributing to your most pressing health challenges

đź’ś Develop a clear vision for what you want for your health

đź’ś Bust common food myths and learn the TRUTH about the right mix of nutrition, fitness, and stress management that will get you to your goals

đź’ś Co-design (with my help) a personalized protocol that will give your metabolism a makeover and allow you to reclaim your health

đź’ś Explore the science of behavior change and chart empowering daily routines designed for your success and happiness

đź’ś Feel happy, confident, and validated in your wellness journey


All for just $5 a day.

I'm ready for lasting change and health. Sign me up!

Tell me if this sounds like you...

  • You've tried a lot of diet and health programs... with no lasting results?
  • Your energy is up and down all day, and as a result, you feel like sh*t?
  • You’re carrying hormonal belly fat that you just can’t seem to shake?
  • You’re eating well, but your usual tricks aren't working when it comes to weight loss?
  • You’re confused by conflicting health advice you read in the media and just need to know what to do for YOUR needs?
  • You need support in building the right habits and cultivating resilience for those moments when you fall off track?
  • You suspect something bigger is going on beyond just “weight gain” but don’t know how to pinpoint it or what to do about it?

Friend, I see you.

(Hell, I WAS you.)

Hi, I'm Coach CiCi


Six years of infertility and hormonal weight fluctuations lit a fire under my ass to get to the root of the problem.

I was tired of working out 7 days a week and seeing no progress. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally. 

You see, I ate all the “health foods” and was a huge advocate for wellness. But no matter what I did, I just couldn’t shake the lower belly fat or the extra weight on my hips and thighs. While technically I wasn’t overweight, I was definitely overweight for me. And I was beyond sick of feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious in my own clothes that had somehow grown way too tight for me.

So I dove deep into the research, tried every workout regimen and diet plan under the sun, and invested in myself to become a Certified Hormone Specialist, Precision Nutrition Coach, and Independent Researcher for Pruve.

In that process, I learned that nearly everything we’ve been “taught” by the media, by our doctors, by regulating bodies like the FDA… was flat-out wrong. Just one example: We are told to avoid dietary fat at all costs.

(But the research actually reveals that healthy fats are a valuable tool in hormone balance and weight loss.)

So now, I’m on a mission to spread the truth and help others like me. I want you to have the confidence in my ability to guide you on this journey. Below are some credentials I’ve earned and will continue developing over time.

  1. Pn-1 Fitness & Nutrition Coach: I completed a rigorous training program with Precision Nutrition so that I can tailor nutritional strategies and fitness programs to people’s unique circumstances.
  2. Certified Hormone Specialist: issued by the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, this deep-dive into the physiology of the endocrine system allows me to understand the interconnected systems of the body and apply my Precision Nutrition recommendations to the areas of imbalance that may present for each individual. After all, hormones control every single function in our body, so if they’re not in-balance, YOU aren’t in balance and can’t reach your goals!
  3. Functional Medicine Specialist: I've been certified in a rigorous functional medicine practitioner program, alongside physicians, herbalists, midwives, and more. This helps you because I take a holistic approach to healing root causes, vs. band-aid approaches that might work in the short term, but exacerbate things in the long run.
  4. The Science of Changing Behavior: As part of my day job, I had the privilege of completing a deep-dive training on the science of behavior change (and in fact, I contributed to authoring the healthcare industry’s first book on behavior change, “Why We Resist.”). Grounded in behavioral psychology, this training helps me understand how to motivate you (and keep you motivated!) on the path to your goals. 
Let's do this, CiCi! Get me in this program already!

A Peek into the Program

The structure of The Metabolic Makeover is:

  • 10-week Program, Part Self-Directed, Part Hands-on Coaching
  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Check-in Call - 45 minutes (5 total)
  • 1:1 Voxer (messaging app) Access
  • Macro Setting and Nutrition Guidance
  • Weekly Nutrition, Hormone, and Stress Management Lessons
  • Weekly Guided Visualizations
  • Weekly Personalized Fitness Regimen
  • Weekly Meal Planning Review
  • Program Workbook for Journaling, Protocol Design and More
  • Four Bonus Resources (Sugar-free Recipe Pack, Inflammation Reset, Endocrine Disruptors Elimination Guide, Hormone-Balancing Diet Protocol)
  • Lifetime Access to All Program Content

The Metabolic Makeover

$450 made via three payments of $150 (that's just $5 a day!)

Custom workouts

Nutrition guidance

Stress management plan

Behavior-change strategy

Bi-weekly check-ins

1:1 messaging access

Support resources

Lifetime program access

SOLD. I want in.

What happens when you sign up?

Are you sick of feeling sick?


Are you over the overweight life?


Are you done with being in a constant state of imbalance?


Your hormones are at the heart of it all. The Metabolic Makeover is a robust program that has been proven to heal underlying imbalances and get you closer and closer to your goals.

Are you ready to commit? To work? To partner with an expert that has your back? To give yourself the investment and dedication and attention and love that you need and fucking deserve?

Let’s do this.

Yes. I want and deserve this!